Our priest, on behalf of the church presented my son and I with these beautiful wooden crosses. They will remind us that the love of Jesus will be with us from the beginning till the end...
About Me

- bloodcoveredprincess
- Daughter of the Most High King by the Power of the Blood of Jesus. Living for my Heavenly Father and my Lord. Growing daily into the princess I was created to be. Loving My Husband - One Kiss at a Time - Nurturing My Children - One Smile at a Time - Making the World a Prettier Place - One Stitch at a Time - Reading the Best Books First - One Page at a Time - Walking with the Lord - One Step at a time
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
We Got Presents too....
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 02:13 0 comments
We Made It Home....
My son and I were received into the Catholic Church and Confirmed on Saturday Night at the Easter Vigil...
It was an amazing service and what was even more amazing was that I did not cry! I cry so often in church and over the last few weeks have regularly bawled like a baby because I have not been able to take communion.
Finally I was able to receive communion and know without a doubt that it contained the Real Presence!
The joy and peace of the Lord must have filled me so much that there was not room for tears!
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 01:28 0 comments
Labels: Catholic, Eucharist, Real Presence
Saturday, 23 April 2011
St George - My Husband's Patron Saint
As well as being Holy Saturday today is St George's Day.
St George is the Patron Saint of England and although I myself am Scottish I am making the traditional English Roast Beef Dinner complete with Yorshire Pudding to celebrate, because my husband is English and St George is his Patron Saint!This is his flag and printed on it is my husband's favourite hymn.
I hope my husband enjoys his dinner and I hope St George appreciates me celebrating his day on the day I am to be received into the Catholic Chruch!
I will be asking good St George to assist me in praying for my husband!
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 01:50 0 comments
Labels: Saints