We are all called to pray without ceasing, but what does that actually mean?
Do we have to turn into hermits and live on our knees?
I don't think so because we are also called to love our neighbour and serve those around us, not to mention the great commission of making disciples throughout the world.
I believe that praying with out ceasing is more to do with our permanent attitude to God and awareness of His prescence and our relationship with Him.
Just like in the picture above, it is a way of resting on His support and casting our cares on Him because He cares for us. Knowing that all are thoughts are before His eyes and keeping Him ever in our hearts.
Then of course there are the casual conversations we have with Him as we go about our day.
I think maybe there are as many ways to pray as there are people! Breath prayers, rosary, prayer books, prayer journaling, prayer lists and on and on. We do not have to pray all ways as long as we pray always.
But like any relationship sometimes prayer takes more than letting it happen. There have to be special times of extra intimacy and in order to help them happen two things are the biggest factors - time and place.
Having a set time to meet with God in order to pray and read his word will have a huge inpact on your relationship with Him.
Another thing I have found to be a wonderful help is having a specific place...
I used to have a desk in our bedroom and that was quite good.
Then I had a desk in the livingroom as well as a kneeler and baskets and shelves for Christian Books, Bibles, Prayer Books and other necessities such as tissues for when I cry (cry, who me as if.....). That was great.
Unfortunately, when I started fostering the desk from the bedroom was moved into the kids bedroom which only left me with my corner in the livingroom.
Although this had been my favourite spot, once I started fostering I found that I could never get peace to use it, not even very early or late!
This had been going on for almost a year and I knew I was suffering for lack of quality time with the Lord.
Then our foster child decided he wanted to change bedrooms, for a smaller one.
Problem solved! In the bedroom he has vacated there is an ideal corner, so my husband and I are going to move into that bedroom eventually and in the meantime I have already set up that corner as my "Prayer Closet"
The corner has three walls and I formed a forth with a bookcase facing into the corner(just leaving a space to get in), added other bookcases my old desk was already in place, so I just had to add a chair.
After that I took most of my Christian books and put them on the shelves. I also added decorative plates of the Virgin Mary and the Crucifixion, candles and oil burners (and of course tissues for when I cry).
I have only had "My Corner" set up for a couple of weeks now, but already I can fell what a big difference it has made and I look forward to spending many contented times in it.
DIY Printable Jesse Tree Blocks
3 months ago
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