I have lofty aspirations to Holiness
Being a Holy Hermit is out...
It doesn't fit to well with the wife and mother thing and I am sure it would interfere with me ringing my mum several times a day to keep her company and make sure she is ok.
Neither is the Nun's life for me...
It might get a bit crowded in my cell once I try to move the family in!
What I would love to be is a Novena Queen
I have come across quite a few of these wonderful ladies on the internet, many of these it has to be said are cradle catholics, but not all - so there is hope for me yet!
They seen to know every feast, every fast and every festival and I would love join them in the royal ranks, but I always seem to be a bit behind.
I get wind of a wonderful novena and get really excited about it only to find it is already day five!
I had the same kind of experience again this week.
While at the Advent Activity Day a friend (I suspect she may well be one of these aforementioned Novena Queens herself) told me that the following day (today) is the Feast of the Miraculous Medal.
This indeed moved me to excitement mode once again as only recently I was invested with the said medal.
So this morning before going to church I got on the old laptop here and started to look up the feast. I was over joyed to find that there is a Novena only to be disappointed to find it is ending not starting. Bah Humbug!
I did contemplate the turbo charged Novena - saying all nine days of prayers today, but I think this kind of misses the point.
I can get quite sulky in circumstances like these, you know the kind of thing "If God wants me to pray these things why doesn't He give me more notice!"
But once again it is all in the attitude....
Knowing well that I am not a Novena Queen, my Father in Heaven has been looking out for me and giving me almost a full years notice!
So I give thanks to Him for His provision and make a note of this Novena (in fact I will put it on the calendar of the yahoo group that I use to send myself reminders).
Who knows how long it will take me to become a Novena Queen or even if I ever will, but either way I am content to be His Princess.
DIY Printable Jesse Tree Blocks
3 months ago
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