In any relationship there are different situations each person is in and this leads to different kinds of conversations.
This is just as true of my relationship with my Heavenly Father and Jesus the Lover of My Soul because their Holy Spirit lives within me giving me constant access to communion and fellowship with them.
Sometimes we want to simply spend time together and enjoy each others company because we love each other.
Sometimes it is time to seek help and advice. This in itself can take many forms and cover many areas, some of which are long term and some not so.
The one truly constant focus of prayer is to get to know God better and seeking to develop the Fruit of the Spirit and thus become more Christ like.
This kind of prayer and fellowship can act as a filter through which we pass all our decisions and choices.
This is the hub -the central focus of our lives. Everything else, including other kinds of prayer must revolve around this.
DIY Printable Jesse Tree Blocks
3 months ago
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