This is the statue of Our Lady, in the Padre Pio Garden at the Friary in Pentasaph.
The prayer on the base of the statue is as follows -
I choose you Mary in the presence of the Angels of Heaven for my Mother and Queen.
I consecrate to you in obedience and love all that I am, all that I have and all the good that I may do, putting myself and all that belongs to me entirely at your service, for the greater Glory of God in time and eternity.
It's by St Louis De Monfort the author of True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
When we arrived at the statue I was privilaged to witness a real life example of True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The was a young man already there and as I started to write down the prayer in my little notebook he became busy on his knees.
He had brought a gift of beautiful flowers for his "Mammy" Mary.
When he had finished arranging the flowers to his satisfaction he did not arise, but shuffled forward to get closer to Mary.
At this point I moved away a little, but could not take my eyes from the scene which was unfolding before me.
Although I intentionally moved away so that I could not hear what was being said, I watched facinated as he kissed her feet and spoke to her gently and at some length, often stroking her rosary or the folds of her dress.
When he had finished I returned to the statue to finish writing down the prayer upon it's base.
I had been so touched by the modern day show of "True Devotion" that I spoke to the young man and told him that I had found it very beautiful him bringing Mary flowers for Valentines Day.
He smiled and replied in a lovely Irish lilt "Ah well, you couldn't pass by Our Lady now could you!"
What a lovely way to some up True Devotion!
During our short conversation he told me that he had also been, that morning, to the near by Shrine, St Winifred's Well and had taken the Blessed Mother some flowers there too.
It made me smile as I remember that my own father, God rest him, always said you could judge a man by how he treated his mother!
DIY Printable Jesse Tree Blocks
3 months ago
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