Lord give me the grace I need this day and grow in me the gentle and quiet spirit that is so precious to you.....
About Me

- bloodcoveredprincess
- Daughter of the Most High King by the Power of the Blood of Jesus. Living for my Heavenly Father and my Lord. Growing daily into the princess I was created to be. Loving My Husband - One Kiss at a Time - Nurturing My Children - One Smile at a Time - Making the World a Prettier Place - One Stitch at a Time - Reading the Best Books First - One Page at a Time - Walking with the Lord - One Step at a time
Friday, 29 May 2009
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 11:14 0 comments
Labels: Grace
Monday, 25 May 2009
Why We Homeschool
Lord, help me to Fully Rely On You as I teach my boys day by day. May all that we learn and do be for your glory....
I wrote this to my son.......
This is what we do……
From the moment you took your first breath I have been teaching you.
Don’t forget that real learning happens all time. It is not something which can be put in box and labelled school.
Real one on one teaching is done through discipleship…. Jesus taught not only by what He told his disciples, but by the example He set for them in what He did.
You learn from me every time you are in my presence and I hate to admit it, but not everything you take from me is something I am proud to give. But God chose me from before time began to be your example and I trust in Him.
This is why we do it………
There are two main reasons why we do this homeschool thing. Both are because of relationships.
The first is because of our relationship with God. His word is full of instructions for parents about teaching their children. There are no instructions for starting a school and sending your children away from the family for the biggest part of their day. How can I tell you about God when I sit, when I lie down and as I walk by the way if you are not with me????
Do you simply want to have your head stuffed full of facts or do you want true wisdom??? The start of wisdom is coming to know God.
The second is because of our relationship with each other. I love you! You are precious in my sight!! I teach you because of that love and I am the best teacher for you because of it. No one has to pay me to teach you, seeing you learn and develop is my reward.
Once these years are gone we can not get them back. We can waste them or we can cherish them, that is our choice. All too soon you will be passing into adulthood and taking on responsibilities which will eat up your time. So while we can share and learn and play together that is what I want to do.
The school system is set up to produce strangers. It turns out young people who don’t know God and hardly know their own families!!
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 13:20 0 comments
Labels: Deuteronomy 6:6-7, Homeschool
Friday, 22 May 2009
Tea Bag Theology
Lord, help me to Fully Rely On You as I teach my boys day by day. May all that we learn and do be for your glory....
My little man was watching a praise dvd and when it finished he wanted to watch it again because he said that the songs were just so good. I explained that it made him feel good because God inhabits the praises of his people. (Psalm 22:3 But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.) He looked a bit confused and told me that God is everywhere.
I explained to him that although God is everywhere sometimes His presence is much more intense.
I demonstrated this with a teabag. (As much as I love my tea parties I do not actually worship the teabag you needn't be worried about it).
I held up the teabag and said imaging that this teabag is God. I dropped the teabag into a cup of boiling water. I told little man to sing and as he sang a worship song I stirred the water. I explained that as he sang it stirred God and got him to watch how the water in the cup changed to tea.
It was just like Gods presence growing more intense when we worship. Not only did we enjoy our lesson, we also enjoyed the cup of tea afterwards.
Deuteronomy 6:6-7 And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 13:26 0 comments
Labels: Deuteronomy 6:6-7, Homeschool, Little Man, Tea, Worship
The Simple Woman's Daybook - 22nd May 2009
FOR TODAY 22nd May 2009
Outside my window... It is raining that horrible small rain which gets right through your clothes
I am thinking... How glad I am to be inside where it is cosy
I am thankful for...belonging
From the learning rooms...comes the sound of praise music
From the kitchen...calls the cake and custard I am about to serve my boys
I am wearing...a long moleskin skirt and fluffy sweater
I am creating...an embroidery which reads "A Daughter is a Joy"
I am going...from glory to glory
I am reading...Praying the Scriptures for your Children - Joidie Berndt (again)
I am hoping...to develope a gentle and quiet spirit
I am hearing...my pet birds singing the evening chorus
Around the house...are many blessings
One of my favourite things...fellowship with my Christian Sisters
A few plans for the rest of the week:
Sunday - Chruch on followed by lunch with my church family
Monday - Big breakfast to celebrate my hubby finishing his shifts
Tuesday - Treasure Hunting with my Mum - followed by a prayer meeting
Thursday - Hosting a Titus 2 tea party
Friday - Taking my boys for their biblestudy lesson and praying together
Here is picture thought I am sharing…
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 11:22 0 comments
Labels: The Simple Woman's Daybook
MOMMY HOMEWORK: The Perfect Proposal!
When I met my husband, many years before I became a Christian, he had a very negative view of marriage to say the least!
My poor beloved was so scared of it that even a tv advert showing a wedding would make him break out in a cold sweat.
Then we both got the flu and while we were sick, feeling sorry for ourselves and not looking our best, we were chatting and somehow marriage got mentioned. I said that with his marriage-a-phobia by the time he got around to asking me I probably wouldn’t want to marry him!!!!!
That did it - the next day (still with the flu) we were shopping for a ring!
Now this may not sound too romantic or perfect to you but I will never forget it.
The perfect proposal is the one made my the one who really loves you, the one God made you to be with, the one who will love you in good times and bad. The proof of the pudding is in the eating as they say.
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 04:07 0 comments
Labels: Marriage, Mommy Homework
Thursday, 21 May 2009
There is a little man......

There is a little man living in my house who truly knows how to enjoy life.
I asked him last night if he was happy and he said yes - when I asked him why he was happy he said because we had supper.
He counts down the days every week until it is Sunday and he gets to go to church. When I asked him why he says it is because he gets to hear about God and sing to him, pray and read the word of God.
He counts down to Tuesday nights too because that is when he goes to a prayer meeting and when the day draws near he gets so excited because he says he can't wait to talk to God with his friends and see what God will do.
If you ever mention to this little man that you are not feeling well or have a need the first words from his lips are that he will pray to God to help you and in the same breath he leaps into His Fathers arms and speaks into his ear.
If he ever gets hurt and it makes him cry he stops once a prayer has been uttered on his behalf because he knows that all is then well in his world even if it looks like nothing has changed.
There is a little man living in my house who is five years old and knows that Jesus is in his heart...............
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 11:32 0 comments
Labels: Contentment, Knowing Jesus, Little Man
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
The Weaver
My Life is but a weaving
between my Lord and me;
I cannot choose the colors
He worketh steadily.
Oft times He weaveth sorrow
And I, in foolish pride,
Forget He sees the upper,
And I the under side.
Not til the loom is silent
And the shuttles cease to fly,
Shall God unroll the canvas
And explain the reason why.
The dark threads are as needful
In the Weaver's skillful hand,
As the threads of gold and silver
In the pattern He has planned.
He knows, He loves, He cares,
Nothing this truth can dim.
He gives His very best to those
Who leave the choice with Him.
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 07:24 0 comments
Labels: Trusting the Lord
Monday, 18 May 2009
Lord give me the grace I need this day and grow in me the gentle and quiet spirit that is so precious to you.....
I found this beautiful Letter by Laine - Truly an inspiration.
If you would like to read more of her lovely letters just click on the title of this entry and it will take you to this letter the link to the archive is at the bottom.
What an amazing message this is and how intimately Laine draws us into her world. There is so much to think about in it, I don’t know about you, but part of me just wants to “be” Laine. That of course is not the point tut tut naughty me.
Laine’s and God’s intention is that we learn from her and women like her and I am so glad that she took up the gauntlet and gave us a window on her life in true Titus Two fashion.
When you find something like this what do you do with it? Do you just get teary eyed and then forget all about it as the demands of daily life take over once again?
What is the point of a Titus Two Sister putting in the effort to share if we do not find a way to apply the relevant advice to our own lives.
I am going to reply to this letter (the beginning of my reply is marked by more stars) and in doing so I will glean wisdom from this lovely sister and (hopefully) make it my own…..
Dear Sisters,
Oh, it was a lovely weekend. I made an angel food cake and calzones. Abbie and I made molasses-chew cookies. I was thinking this weekend of the pleasures of homemaking and thought I'd share a few with you.
I love homemaking because my time is my own. I dictate how my day will go and that is an awesome thing in this world. Many high paid executives do not have the freedom that I have almost every day.
I love homemaking because yeast, water, and flour make the best smell in the world!
I love homemaking because I get to decorate a corner of God's Footstool in exactly the way I like it with total creative freedom. No other person on earth will decorate in quite the same way.
I love homemaking because my kids get to lick spoons and bowls and smile with whipped cream and sugar on their lips.
I love homemaking because I can sit and read to my children all day if I want with every pillow we own under us.
I love homemaking because my uniform is a simple apron. When I put it on I feel like my grandmother and want to do so many "homey" things for my family.
I love homemaking because I get to keep learning new things to make my home a special place for my kids and my husband. Last year I learned decoupage and tole painting. (Many things from a library book!)
I love homemaking because I get to work in my garden and cut beautiful plants from it to bring into my house.
I love homemaking because I get to listen to beautiful music all day long which causes me to think of my Savior and LORD. My work doesn't even seem like work with Him on my mind.
I love homemaking because I get to cook some of the most wonderful food on a slim budget causing me to give thanks and praise to Him who shows me the way.
I love homemaking because I can go to the library and check out other women's wisdom which inspires me in my own kitchen and home.
I love homemaking because I can stop my kids at any time of the day and say, "Let's pray."
I love homemaking because I can lay on my bed and have great talks with my kids about the LORD and life.
I love homemaking because I get to smell up my house with some of the best smells on earth: homemade bread, apple pie, fried chicken, baked beans, and cole slaw. And that's just one meal!
I love homemaking because I can feel the softness of yarn flowing through my fingers as I knit an aphgan for my kitchen chair.
I love homemaking because I can sit with other women and their babies and compare struggles and trials; then come away feeling so much better to handle my own babies and struggles and trials.
I love homemaking because I can look at each room in my house as a blank canvas to paint a beautiful picture on for my family. And slowly, here and there, I pick up the beautiful treasures at thrift shops or swap meets to make those canvases come alive with love.
I love homemaking because I create the atmosphere all day in my home. If I am at peace, they are at peace. And the King helps keep me at peace because I have spent time at His Throne in the early morning hours learning from Him.
I love homemaking because I have permission to fail while I learn. I have granted permission to myself recently which makes me feel a whole lot better about learning new things and not being afraid to fail.
I love homemaking because I can plan special little surprises for my husband that bring him such delight: homemade pickles that taste like Claussen's.
I love homemaking because I fill little mason jars with homemade jams and watch my kids open them in anticipation for breakfast.
I love homemaking because I can make lemon butter, scones, and devonshire cream for my daughter and all her little friends for "tea".
I love homemaking because all the little girls can dress up in hats that hang in my living room waiting for their next visit.
I love homemaking because when my kids are sick it is no inconvenience. I get to put them right to bed in their pajamas and bring them a "tea table" with a flower, tea, and some special treat to make them smile.
I love homemaking because I get to do things with beautiful fabrics.
I love homemaking because I can gather my kids in my room if I am sick and have them take care of me or just lay next to me and play.
I love homemaking because I get to cut my kids' hair and have them sit on a special stool I designed for them. Then I get the pleasure of looking at their hair for days knowing that I cut it.
I love homemaking because I get to scrub my floors by hand just the way my grandmother did. Then I get to tell everyone to stay off the floor just like she did.
I love homemaking because I get to hang out my clothes on the line just the way my mother did and smell the sweet air in them when they come back in the house.
I love homemaking because I get to stretch a budget beyond measure which gives me great joy to see so much done with so little.
I love homemaking because I get to put a fluffy feather down comforter on everyone's bed and run them out to the clothesline on a windy day.
I love homemaking because I get to smell a freshly bathed child.
I love homemaking because I can put a fresh tablecloth on my table and transform it into a fancy restaurant with a rose in the center.
I love homemaking because there is always a new recipe to try.
I love homemaking because I can cover up "holey rugs" with beautiful handmade throw rugs that someone's grandmother probably made.
I love homemaking because I can cover up stained couches with beautiful couch covers in a rose pattern my grandmother would have worn to church.
I love homemaking because I can sit in any room in my house and it is used to its fullest. No room is for show. Every room is pleasantly occupied.
I love homemaking because no one can make me laugh like my kids.
I love homemaking because I can grab my camera and capture three muddy kids in a moment.
I love homemaking because I can take full advantage of all the seasons. Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring never get by me. I enjoy each immensely.
I love homemaking because I can bring home some of the best books in the world and know they will get read.
I love homemaking because I know my kids very well and can work with them like no other.
I love homemaking because if I am sick of being inside I can go outside. And if I am sick of being outside I can go inside.
I love homemaking because I can kiss my kids thirty times a day if I want.
I love homemaking because the weather never affects my plans to stay home.
I love homemaking because it makes me more in awe of my mother, grandmother, and favorite aunts causing me to notice their work in great detail.
I love homemaking because my kids can get really dirty and jump in the tub before anyone's the wiser.
I love homemaking because I am the " LORD's Home Servant."
I love homemaking because no one can run this home like I can. No one knows that man of mine like I do. And no one can tell you about those kids that I live with like I can.
I love homemaking because I can watch a "Leave It to Beaver" or "Andy Griffith Show" and be inspired by June Cleaver or Aunt Bee to do a better job in my home.
I love homemaking because I have time to light candles, put on soft music, and start a fire in the fireplace.
I love homemaking because I know where my kids are, and that gives me great peace because they are beside me.
I love homemaking because I get to be HOME.
I love homemaking because God called me to this job and I love it!!!!
called to be a Homemaker of God
Dear Laine,
I am replying to your letter possibly several years after it was written, but time is no barrier to sisters in the Lord….
Your weekend sounds so lovely, so homely, I can almost taste the cookies lol. Your attitude makes me smile.
I love homemaking too because it is wonderful to be able to arrange my own schedule, especially in this day and age. I live beside a nursery, which also provides both before and after school care for slightly older children. I see these little mites being dropped of in the wee small hours of the morning, often in the dark and often having to be carried because they are so sleepy. They are eventually picked up and it is a repeat performance except that by then many of the mothers also look so tired they could do with being carried too.
When I was a young single parent I often has to go to work and leave my two babies only thirteen months apart with my mother and I do understand the position of those who “have” to go to work and leave their children with someone else. It often left me feeling empty and jealous that someone (even my own mother) was getting more of them than me. But I think that many of the mothers I see dropping off their children are not in that position.
People are so convinced these days that they need to be a double income family because they think they need so much “stuff”. They forget to include the expenses which are incurred in going to work when they make this choice as well as the joys they are leaving behind. You can always make more money - try making more time!!
I pray for these families and count my blessings.
I love homemaking too because I also like to take my little corner and shape it to suit my family and if no one else likes the style it does not matter because it is for our joy and comfort and not to impress others.
I love homemaking because no fancy chef can whip up anything which tastes as good as our home made cakes - especially when we serve it up on a fancy china tea set bought (for a couple of pounds at a charity shop) just for this purpose add a pot of tea and call it a party. This is even better if we have just been reading a cosy story like one about the Brambly Hedge mice who always manage to celebrate something.
I love homemaking because when it is cold and miserable outside we do not have to go out there and if we want to “do school” snuggled up under my covers with the electric blanket on we can call it extra cuddling credit!
I love homemaking because no one I know wears on apron anymore - except me and in my home what I choose to wear is “normal” hee hee. That goes for the rest of my crew as well and if we want to stay in pj’s or dressed as pirates that’s normal too!
I love homemaking because I can watch over my family and pray for them as I cross stitch and then hang the results on the walls of my home to serve as a reminder of those prayers.
I love homemaking because I learn along with my children as I homeschool them.
I love homemaking because I can stop what I am doing at anytime time to pray for or with my family, or to hold “important” conversations with them.
I love homemaking because I can listen to worship music while I work, or teaching audios, or messages from mentoring women, or simply listen for my Saviours voice.
I love homemaking because I don’t have to worry that the world is a bigger influence on my boys than I am and more than that I love when I hear them praying in another room because they want to not because they were told to.
I love homemaking because I can fit our life around my husbands job.
I love homemaking because I can invite my friend’s little girl to come here to learn to knit and crochet.
I love homemaking because my husband and I can take my mum shopping every week - we even go to different supermarkets each week not just for different special offers, but se we can go to all the charity shops we know, to look for treasure.
I love homemaking because I can create my own special quiet time corner with it cosy prayer chair and little desk to hold my bible and prayer books.
I love homemaking because I can make up homemade meals for my hubby (who works nights) to take to work with him so that he can feel my love and care for him even when I am asleep.
I love homemaking because I can host a Titus Two Tea Party in the evening for some ladies from my fellowship and then have a sneaky cuppa with my teenage son afterwards (he calls it the after tea party, party). If we stay up far too late talking and smiling that’s fine because he can sleep late in the morning and I can cherish the joy of having a teenager who counts me as his friend and companion.
I love homemaking because I can make even the laundry into a homey pretty room.
I love homemaking because I don’t have to worry if my clothes are “fashionable” only if I like them (and if they are modest and comfy).
I love homemaking because we make fully use of our home which is after all our biggest asset.
I love homemaking because I know that this is where I was called to be.
I love homemaking because when my living room is tidied and dusted and I light my fire and lamp everything feels so right and restful.
I love homemaking because my chair swivels and if it faces one way I am in my quiet time corner, if it faces the other I am in the living room sharing my family’s joy and laughter.
I love homemaking because there is always something to do to serve my loved ones.
I love homemaking because I can make beautiful pages for my household organiser and my prayer diary.
I love homemaking because I can colour code things - yes I am that sad (grin).
I love homemaking because I can put my hand in a cupboard and pull out what I am after without looking because it has its own special place.
I love homemaking because I can have embroidery in three different rooms ready to do when I have a spare few minutes and I have many other projects planned for the future. I also love the peaceful feeling I get when I am sewing.
I love homemaking because of the never ending supply of hugs and kisses.
I love homemaking because I know my hubby and boys so well.
I love homemaking because I don’t have to do it someone else’s way.
Laine, I also love homemaking because I can find, enjoy and grow from things like your wonderful letters.
Love from your sister in Christ.
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 11:33 0 comments
Labels: Homemaking, Inspiration, Joy, Laine's Letters
Lord give me the peace I need this day and the joy of walking in your wonderful light.....
I found this beautiful Letter by Laine - Truly an inspiration.
If you would like to read more of her lovely letters just click on the title of this entry and it will take you to this letter the link to the archive is at the bottom.
What an amazing message this is and how intimately Laine draws us into her world. There is so much to think about in it, I don’t know about you, but part of me just wants to “be” Laine. That of course is not the point tut tut naughty me.
Laine’s and God’s intention is that we learn from her and women like her and I am so glad that she took up the gauntlet and gave us a window on her life in true Titus Two fashion.
When you find something like this what do you do with it? Do you just get teary eyed and then forget all about it as the demands of daily life take over once again?
What is the point of a Titus Two Sister putting in the effort to share if we do not find a way to apply the relevant advice to our own lives.
I am going to reply to this letter (the beginning of my reply is marked by more stars) and in doing so I will glean wisdom from this lovely sister and (hopefully) make it my own…..
Dear Sisters,
Hi! I hope you are all doing well. I've been up early in The Word. What a way to start a day. I love, love, love The Word of God! I don't think I could express to you how much I love the Word of God. It is my constant prayer that I will never be without it. Nor praise music to my King. No wonder King David, the man after God's own heart, had such a heart for worship to our LORD. The Word and Worship are my soul's cry.
"Cease listening to instruction, my son, and you will stray from the Words of Knowledge." Proverbs 19:27
Every night when I go to bed, I long to get there. To really listen to the Words of Knowledge. My heart's desire is to get alone with my King. For me, this is the very early morning. It's just about the only time of the day that I am alone. But I'm not alone! He is with me. Each day is built on that sweet time alone with Him. It's been that way for over nine years now. And His Word just keeps getting sweeter and more precious to me. My Bible is so marked up by the time I am through reading it from cover to cover that I have to get a new one. You see, I just can't stop underlining, taking notes, and cross referencing. Jesus is the Teacher, and I am His faithful student. Just as He used to teach early mornings in the temple, so He teaches me early mornings in the temple. It's a rich, rich foundation for each day.
I would have never believed He could get me there every early morning these past nine years, but He's The Miracle Worker in my life. Through personal sickness, through nursing late into the night, through family struggles, through personal pain, through sick children, through women's retreats, through traveling, and through much more than I can think of right now, He's got me there. You see, He is my strength. He is my life. He is my everything. And I don't want to live a day without listening to Him and talking to Him first. That's why the last nine years of my life have been, without a doubt, the richest of my Christian life.
"As newborn babes desire the sincere milk of The Word, that you may grow thereby." 1 Peter 2:2
None of this matters unless Jesus is filling it all. And that is what I beg Him each morning. To fill it all. Oh, how I want to glorify Him. He is The Master of my Moments, and I am so in love with Him.
"Whom having not seen, you love; in Whom, though now you see Him not, yet believing, you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory." 1 Peter 1:8
"I will run the course of Your commandments, for You shall enlarge my heart." Psalm 119:32
I've been a Christian for a long time. About thirty years, to be exact. But I was a complacent Christian. For years and years, I was a complacent Christian. Oh, He should have spewed me out of His Mouth, as Revelation reveals. But, thankfully, He brought me painfully to the end of myself and the incredible beginning of Him. I am truly His "Sinderella". He is my Prince of Peace. It's been a seeking and clinging to Him ever since. And I've never known love like this before.
His Love.
His Love working through me.
His Incredible Love!
The LORD can do above and beyond what we ask or even think. So I ask and I seek with all my heart. "For without faith it is impossible to please Him", and "those who come to God must believe that He is, and that He is a Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him," as taught in Romans.
~Have your ever asked Him to reveal Himself to you as He is, and not as you think Him to be?
~ Have you ever asked Him to help you love Him with everything you've got, and then even more beyond that?
~ Have you ever asked Him to help you kiss His Feet with your life that you might be the sweetest incense rising up to His Throne of Grace?
~Have you ever asked Him to let you lean against His Breast and breathe Him in?
~ Have you ever asked Him to fill you to the height and breadth and width with His love?
~ Have you ever asked Him to let you know His Word better than you know your own thoughts?
~ Have you ever asked Him to let the mind that was in Christ Jesus be in your mind?
~ Have you ever asked Him to be in you the wife that He created you to be?
~ Have you ever asked Him to be in you the mother that He created you to be?
~Have you ever asked Him to be in you the servant that He was?
~ Have you ever asked Him to help you not miss out on one precious part of His will for your life that He personally planned for you before the world began?
~ Have you ever asked Him that He might reveal to you what you're doing wrong and help you to do what is right?
~Have you ever asked Him to tame your tongue and train your hands?
~ Have you ever asked Him to be the Master of all your Moments?
You see, we were created for an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, our LORD and Bridegroom. We are His precious Bride.
"...those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God." Romans 8:14
"...those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires."
"...the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace." Romans 8
We get to know one another through listening and talking. We get to know our Savior through listening to Him speak and in conversing with Him. The Word and Prayer. Our daily conversation with God. Our falling in love with our King as He pours out His intimate love to us. Song of Solomon every day. The Holy Spirit's work in our lives. It results in praise and worship as we work for His Name.
I can't miss one day!
Oh, may I be a doer of The Word, and not a hearer only, deceiving my ownself. For surely this verse is so true:
"He who received seed on the good ground is he who hears The Word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty."
~Have you ever asked Him to help you hear His Word every day and understand it?"
~ Have you ever asked Him to bear fruit and produce a hundredfold or more through you?"
~Have you ever asked Him to hear His still, small Voice speaking to your heart?
~ Have you ever asked Him to open your eyes that you might behold wondrous things from His Law?
~Have you ever asked Him to help you wake up to soak up His Living Word?
~ Have you ever asked Him to let you be His slave for righteousness sake that He might be glorified beyond measure in your life?
~Have you ever asked Him to let you peacefully serve in His Spirit at His Pace for His Praise, no matter how unpraiseworthy the job might be to those around you?
~Have you ever asked Him to help you walk in The Truth, and only The Truth, so helped are you by God?
~ Have you ever asked Him for no fear, only faith; no guilt, only grace; no pride, only praise; no claim, only Christ?
Oh, you've just got to ask Him! We have not, because we ask not. And then we ask with the wrong motives. "Ask that your joy may be full." With the right motives... for His total glory.
~ Have you ever asked Him that you might be His sweetest joy?
~Have you ever asked Him that He might be your sweetest joy?
~Have you ever asked Him that you might never forget His cross and to stay flat before it; standing on the outside, but flat before Him on the inside?
~Have you ever asked Him to help you thank Him for the cross every eternal day of your life?
Have you ever asked Him?
Oh, have you ever asked Him?
"I will utter things kept secret from the foundation of the world." Psalm 78:2b
"...let us keep in step with The Spirit. " Galations 5:26
Listening, Learning, Loving, Asking, Thanking, Praising, Kissing, Bowing, Doing:
The Precious, Precious Living Word of God.
It's there for the asking.
Laine Dear Laine,
Your letter is so inspiring and filled with biblical wisdom.
I too love the Word and pray to love it more. Unlike you I do not get a new bible every time I get to the end of one, but I do have several which I use in different ways, one I highlight in different colours to show what subject it covers, some are prayer bibles which I use to pray different scriptures for people and situations, some are devotional bibles which help me to see certain verses in a new light and some are study bibles to help me understand the culture, language and people I am reading about. I love them all, they are my most cherished possessions because they are the living breathing word of God.
I love to open my bible and listen for the sound of my Saviours voice as His love for me spills form the pages like living water. I am always in awe because a verse or passage which I have read many times before will suddenly be illuminated in a completely different way.
What a wonderful picture of you, every morning for the past nine years having your quiet early morning meeting with our Heavenly Father - regardless of circumstances. It inspires me to be more disciplined in my own devotional life and I look forward to drawing ever closer to my Lord the Lover of my Soul.
I love the list of things you want to know if I have asked. Well some I have, but many I have not so I am going to put them into my prayer diary under my own spiritual growth and pray for them often. I cannot thank you enough for pointing them out to me.
Love and Blessings
Your Sister in Christ
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 04:14 0 comments
Labels: Laine's Letters, Prayer, Quiet Time
Saturday, 16 May 2009
The Simple Woman's Daybook
FOR TODAY 9th May 2009
Outside my window... I can just see the lilac bush and am reminded of the wonderful smell.
I am thinking... of my eldest child who is about to have a major operation.
I am thankful for... the trials which Father God uses to shape us.
From the learning rooms... I hear the sound of the little one playing with a dolls house.
From the kitchen... calls responsibility.
I am wearing... purple.
I am creating... this blog.
I am going... to heaven.
I am reading...His Princess Bride - Love Letters from Your Prince (Sheri Rose Shepherd) and becoming a Woman Who Pleases God (Pat Ennis and Lisa Tatlock) .
I am hoping... for the salvation of all those whom I love.
I am hearing... my pet birds tweeting.
Around the house...are many reminders that a family lives here.
One of my favourite things...tea parties!
A few plans for the rest of the week: Tomorrow we will be worshiping the Lord and spending time with our wonderful church family. On Tuesday we will take my mother shopping followed by going to a prayer meeting with my boys. On Wednesday we are going to a homeschool gathering to learn about sign language. On Thursday I am hosting a Titus 2 Tea Party. Somewhere along the line I am hoping to do some de-cluttering!
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 11:58 0 comments
Labels: The Simple Woman's Daybook
The Tea Cup
There was a couple who used to go to England to shop in a beautiful antique store. This trip was to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. They both liked antiques and pottery, and especially teacups. Spotting an exceptional cup, they asked “May we see that? We’ve never seen a cup quite so beautiful.”As the lady handed it to them, suddenly the teacup spoke, “You don’t understand.” It said, “I have not always been a teacup. There was a time when I was just a lump of red clay. My master took me and rolled me pounded and patted me over and over and I yelled out, Don’t do that. I don’t like it! “Let me alone,” but he only smiled, and gently said; “Not
“Then. WHAM! I was placed on a spinning wheel and suddenly I was spun around and around and around. ‘Stop it ! I’m getting so dizzy! I’m going
to be sick!’, I screamed. But the master only nodded and said, quietly;
‘Not yet.’ He spun me and poked and prodded and bent me out of shape to
suit himself and then……then he put me in the oven. I never felt such heat. I yelled and knocked and pounded at the door. ” Help! Get me out of here!” I could see him through the opening and I could read his lips as he shook his head from side to side, ‘Not yet’.
“When I thought I couldn’t bear it another minute, the door opened. He carefully took me out and put me on the shelf, and I began to cool. Oh,that felt so good! “Ah, this is much better,” I thought. But, after I cooled he picked me up and he brushed and painted me all over. The fumes were horrible. I thought I would gag.
‘Oh, please; Stop it, Stop it!!’ I cried. He only shook his head and said. ‘Not yet!’. Then suddenly he put me back in to the oven. Only it was not like the first one. This was twice as hot and I just knew I would suffocate. I begged. I pleaded. I screamed. I cried. I was convinced I would never make it. I was ready to give up. Just then the door opened and he took me out and again placed me on the shelf, where I cooled and waited ——- and
waited, wondering What’s he going to do to me next?
An hour later he handed me a mirror and said ‘Look at yourself.’ And I did. I said, ‘That’s not me; that couldn’t be me. It’s beautiful. I’m beautiful.” Quietly he spoke: “I want you to remember, then,’ he said,‘I know it hurt to be rolled and pounded and patted, but had I just left you alone, you’d have dried up. I know it made you dizzy to spin around on the wheel, but if I had stopped, you would have crumbled. I know it
hurt and it was hot and disagreeable in the oven, but if I hadn’t put you there, you would have cracked. I know the fumes were bad when I brushed and painted you all over, but if I hadn’t done that, you never would have hardened. You would not have had any color in your life. If I hadn’t put you back in that second oven, you wouldn’t have survived for long be cause the hardness would not have held. Now you are a finished product. Now you are what I had in mind when I first began with you.”
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 07:18 0 comments
Friday, 15 May 2009
MOMMY HOMEWORK: Energy Drainers
My biggest energy drainer is (you guessed it) not spending time alone with the Lord.
My own attitude probably comes next when I have a negative attitude that really slows me down.
Disorganisation and lack of planning are a big one too.
When I put off doing things they are on my mind and clog up my brain this also makes me tired.
I am blessed to know the things that recharge my batteries, like snuggling up with my honey, reading with my boys, sewing, having tea, Christian fellowship and the greatest thing to give me a boost is worshiping the Lord (because that is the thing I was created to do).
Of course not all the energy stealers are easy to spot - there are many things which appear to be good in themselves, but if they are not in God’s plan for you they will sap your strength!
The Lord will always equip you for the things He has called you to do….so maybe if you are running on low you are taking on things that He has not chosen for you at this time!
When you feel like that climb on to his lap and tell Him about it - you might just be very surprised to hear which things He never wanted you to do in the first place.
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 04:56 0 comments
Labels: Caring for the Carer, Mommy Homework
Monday, 11 May 2009
The Reading of Psalm 23
There was once a Shakespearean actor who was known everywhere for his one-man show of readings and recitations from the classics. He would always end his performance with a dramatic reading of the Psalm. Each night, without exception, as the actor began his recitation -- "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want" -- the crowd would listen attentively. And then, at the conclusion of the psalm, they would rise in thunderous applause in appreciation of the actor's incredible ability to bring the verse to life.
But one night, just before the actor was to offer his customary recital of Psalm 23, a young woman from the audience spoke up. "Sir, do you mind, if tonight, I recite Psalm 23?"
The actor was quite taken aback by this unusual request, but he allowed the young woman to come forward and to stand front and centre on the stage to recite the psalm, knowing that the ability of this unskilled girl would be no match for his own talent. With a soft voice, the young woman began to recite the words of the psalm. When she was finished, there was no applause. There was no standing ovation as on other nights. All that could be heard was the sound of weeping. The audience had been so moved by the young woman's recitation that every eye was full of tears.
Amazed by what he had heard, the actor said to the girl, "I don't understand. I have been performing this Psalm for years. I have a lifetime of experience and training, but I have never been able to move an audience as you have tonight. Tell me, what is your secret?"
The young woman humbly replied, "Well, sir, you know the Psalm...but I know the Shepherd." It makes a difference.
Do you know the Shepherd?
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 07:13 0 comments
Labels: Knowing Jesus
Princess Power - Another Paradox
Princess Power - It sounds very worldly and prideful doesn’t it? Have your formed a picture of a bit of a spoiled brat? Plenty of sulking, pouting and bossing people about?
Not so Princess Power is the same kind of paradox talked about in the previous entry. (I hope you have gone to that article and read it because it blessed me and I would love for you to share in that blessing.)
Here is a tiny snippet from it:
“If you want to live, you must die.”
“If you want to be first you must be last.”
“If you want to be greatest of all, you must become least of all.”
So, becoming God’s kind of Princess is all about humility and having a servant heart! It is not about living in your own strength, but recognising your weakness and leaning on the strength of Christ.
And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 2 Corinthians 12:8-10
Pray along with me for more Princess Power in your life…..
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 07:10 0 comments
This is what I read......
Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness!
You have relieved me in my distress;
Have mercy on me, and hear my prayer.
How long, O you sons of men,
Will you turn my glory to shame?
How long will you love worthlessness
And seek falsehood? Selah
But know that the LORD has set apart"for Himself him who is godly;
The LORD will hear when I call to Him.
Be angry, and do not sin.
Meditate within your heart on your bed, and be still. Selah
Offer the sacrifices of righteousness,
And put your trust in the LORD.
There are many who say,
“Who will show us any good?”
LORD, lift up the light of Your countenance upon us.
You have put gladness in my heart,
More than in the season that their grain and wine increased.
I will both lie down in peace, and sleep;
For You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.
Psalm 4
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 05:04 0 comments
Labels: Word of God
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Mommy Homework: What are Your Secrets to Productivity???
Know God - with out this first step you may think and feel you are being productive - but it will only be as filthy rags!!
Know yourself - evaluate your strengths and weaknesses - then you can use them or deal with them.
Know your situation - don’t try to do things the way someone else does remember that your family and situation are unique. Make what you do to fit. You can indeed get ideas from others and put them into practice but remember to customize them to fit.
After getting to grips with these three steps this is what I came up with -
I took (and continue to take) it all to God in prayer. I realised that if something is not on a time table I tend not to get it done.
So I built a timetable which includes all of the things our family needs to get done and fits in round my husbands working hours. This includes quiet times, shopping, house keeping, homeschooling, meals, bath times, times to get up and go to bed, church and outside meetings. There are also times blocked off just for family time and time with my husband. This is not so much a minute by minute timetable - but there are certain things which will happen at a certain time - such as my husband leaving for work so I started with these and then filled in the blocks of time in between. Also I have not filled in every space to allow margin for the unexpected.
The other thing I use is note books which I have designed for different purposes. I have:-
A Virtuous Woman One with sections for A) Calendars and schedules. B)Housekeeping - chores lists and zones the house is divided up into C) Meal making - Menus, shopping lists, inventories and weekly meal plan with clip off shopping list. D) Child training with details of what we are currently working on. E) Devotions - at the moment this is Create in me a clean heart ( a devotion available on the internet) F) Bible - Life verse and ones for the year and Lists of verses such as once which show “who I am in Christ” - also bible reading plans and a list of all the studies I have available to do - I have a space to fill in start and finish dates. A list of the symbols I use for marking my bible and a list of study tapes I have available to use. G) Inspiration - 30 day husband encouragement challenge and inspiring quotes and stories. H) Goals - long and short term. I) Plans - for ideas I want to try out. J) Fellowship - with contact details and notes on anything people need help with. I also keep a couple of plastic wallets in there to hold my colour coding pens and some prayer cards.
A Homeschooling One - This is where I keep my lesson plans for future use as well as scope and sequence details and notes of how to teach and lists of recourses.
I have one for prayer with the details of all the things I feel lead to pray about and one to make notes in about different kinds of prayer and methods of prayer.
I usually keep diary pages in the Virtuous Woman one but have found it was getting to fat to use so this year I am having a separate diary instead I opted for 2009 Stormie Omartian Daily Planner for Women. I have put it in a floral needlepoint bible cover together with my ESV Compact wild rose floral design bible which I think is the prettiest bible I have ever seen and for me that adds a little something extra to my bible reading moments.
I have my mobile phone in the bible cover’s outside pocket so that I can set the alarm to ring to remind me to do the things.
But most of all what helps me is knowing that I don’t have to do it alone - I always have Jesus to lean on.
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 06:40 0 comments
Labels: Mommy Homework, organization
Mommy Homework: Yummy Lunches
I use a four week meal plan for all the meals when my husband is here with me and the 2 boys. These are the items on that which I can do for lunch, although some are listed as breakfasts I would still use them for lunch on another day if it was convenient.
Lunch Potato Hash
Lunch Tinned Pie/Meat Pudding and chips (French Fries to you)
Lunch Cheese and tomato pasta
Breakfast Bacon butties (Sandwiches to you)
Breakfast Cheese on Toast
Breakfast Scrambled eggs and beans
Lunch Scotch pie and beans
Lunch Cheese and bean tortillas
Breakfast Beans on toast
Breakfast Sausage butties (Sandwiches to you)
Breakfast Bacon and eggs
Lunch Southern Fried chicken and American fries
Lunch Lamb grills/Beef burgers
Breakfast Egg butties (Sandwiches to you)
Breakfast Beans and sausage on toast
Breakfast Pancakes
Lunch Liver and bacon with noodles or egg fried rice
Lunch Chilli and rice
Breakfast Potato scones and tomatoes
Breakfast Boiled eggs and Toast
Breakfast Sausage and eggs
Some days we go for a plain old sandwich (butties to me) For the other days I tend to use up leftovers or make home made soups with plenty of vegetables and some beans and pulses thrown in. The combination varies every time I make a pan because it always depends on what is lurking in the fridge.
One good tip is to freeze small bits of leftover meat or vegetables and when you have a few bits throw them all in a soup.
Also one of my boys wont eat his veggies except corn so I make sure he gets his by liquidising them and putting them in soups and sauces (this has been known to work on the husband too lol)Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 06:38 0 comments
Labels: Feeding the Family, Mommy Homework
Mommy Homework: Secrets to Successful Marriages
In order to have a successful marriage you need to be perfect wife for Your Own Husband. This sounds like a tall order - but it gets much easier when you remember that God himself made you to be perfect for the job!!
Then He called you to do it and those he calls he also equips.
He left you lots of helpful hints and tips (the Bible) and even a job description (Proverb 31:10-31). The job is carried out under constant supervision (His) and on the job training is available for those who request it (He gives wisdom to those who ask).
Warning - The task is impossible to perform correctly without following the helpful hints and tips (reading your bible) and requesting the on the job training (praying).
Exert from job description - Proverbs 31:10
“A capable, intelligent, and virtuous woman–who is he who can find her? She is far more precious than jewels and her value is far above rubies or pearls“.
I like rubies and I like pearls - I have a little pearl in a heart shaped cage on a silver chain. I call it my proverb 31 necklace because it reminds me of two things. First that I too want to be a virtuous woman who’s value is far more than pearls. Second and more importantly it reminds me how pearls are made.
You see it’s a wish pearl which you buy still inside the oyster. You have to open the shell, ferret around and then pop out the pearl. It really is quite exciting!
Do you know how that little creature made my pearl? Something irritated it so the oyster started to cover it in beauty. The more the irritation the more beauty the oyster had to give out.
When your husband gives you irritation give him beauty - God’s kind of beauty “…….. love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” (Galatians 5:22)
Also I am in what is called an unequally yoked marriage. (I became a Christian after I married and my husband is not (yet) a Christian). So I have to give my husband a lot of leeway when it comes to being the “perfect husband”. You see I am yoked to Jesus (who will provide all the extra strength I need) whereas he is struggling to do his best in his own strength (and I would say doing a very splendid job considering)!
So when he does hand me an irritation I have to choose - Shall I make pearls or shall I made waves??? Remember Love is a Decision not a feeling. If you want a successful marriage choose to love!
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 06:34 0 comments
Labels: Marriage, Mommy Homework
Mommy Homework: Shoestring Date Ideas!
Having a good date on a shoestring can often be just a case of ceasing the moment and making the best of the circumstances, but even so it is not something to always leave to chance or you may find that a long time has passed since you and your honey have spent some “quality” time together.
Although going to a good restaurant or away on a long weekend together is wonderful some of the best and most fun dates are those which don’t cost the earth. There are some seasons in our lives when we have to be creative in order to have our date time - but this can add to the fun!
We live in the UK and don’t celebrate independence day here (or the great escape as we like to call it lol) but we do use fireworks on bon fire night 5th November. A lovely cosy date night is to pack up a flask of hot soup or hot chocolate and some snacks and drive to the top of a hill and watch the fireworks while snuggling under a cosy blanket.
I don’t watch much TV but I do like to pick one regular favourite show to watch each week with my sweetie once the little one has gone to bed. When that series ends we simply pick a new favourite - but is just for the two of us and we look forward to it.
We live in a city, but when we get away on holiday there is nothing more romantic than a moonlit walk along the beach late at night. If you live anywhere near a beach or lake don’t miss out on this - it’s the best even in the winter!
One of our local parks has a wonderful pets corner with bunnies, sheep, goats and even lamas a very cute walk with your cutie.
How about a special grown up dinner, after the kids go to bed, or better still send them to Grandma’s for the night. Cook something that you both love to eat and make sure you lay a beautiful table and add some candles. You can even have some music at the ready so you can go dancing afterwards.
Today when I look out of the window it reminds me of Narnia as there is so much snow out there. So how about ceasing this moment and building a snowman with your love dove? And for the more adventurous what about a snowball fight, or even some sledging? But it has to be followed by cosy snuggling to warm up afterwards. You could even put the electric blanket on before you go out so that you can dive under the cosy covers when you get back!
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 06:31 0 comments
Labels: Marriage, Mommy Homework
Mommy Homework: Valentine’s Day Plans
I got married on Valentines day and for several years my hubby and I have taken a short 2 night break at a bed and breakfast to celebrate our anniversary. It is wonderful to get away and reconnect and remember why we are together in the first place.
Not that we forget our home and family because as we travel round quaint little shops and enjoy fun places and wonderful sights we almost invariably talk about how much the kids would love the place and often bring them on another trip.
This also means that when we bring them next to the same place we get to relive our memories and talk to them about the great time we had.
Because we have a big cooked breakfast we only usually only eat out once each day, but we do pack a bag of snacks to cuddle up and share in the privacy of our own room maybe while watching a film.
One of the best places we visited while on one of these trips was a little car museum, it was not a fancy place by any stretch of the imagination but we had a fantastic time. It was in the back part of a modern car showroom, but they had not only the vintage cars, but also parts and fitting as well as other memorabilia of a bygone age. The smell of the old oil was completely unlike the modern stuff and brought back a flood of childhood memories for us both which gave us lots to share with each other which we had not thought of before.
We never go too far on these little trips, so that we don’t waste our couple to days travelling but even that seems like a joy when you haven’t got squabbling childibeasts in the back of the car lol.
I always try to buy some pretty new nightwear or underwear for these trips as well just to make me feel that bit more special!!
I am looking forward to seeing everyone else’s ideas.
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 06:29 0 comments
Labels: Marriage, Mommy Homework
Mommy Homework: What’s On Your Bucket List???
I was talking to my husband recently and explained to him the one thing I really wanted to do with what ever is left of my life or rather not do … it is very simple.
You see one day either my husband or myself will be gone from here and the other will be left behind and I don’t want the one who is left behind to live with any regrets………,
Thinking of all the moments we should have shared and did not. Of all the opportunities to laugh together over the silly things that we missed. Of all the kisses that never happened. Of all the words of comfort, encouragement or appreciation that never passed our lips. Of all the times we could have gone that extra mile for the one we loved, but were preoccupied with other things.
There are so many wonderful experiences that we can have in life, but missing out on any of them pales into insignificance for me compared with the thought of not only loosing the one I love, but realising that I had wasted the gift of time together that the Lord had blessed us with.
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 06:27 0 comments
Labels: Marriage, Mommy Homework
Mommy Homework: Love Dares for Your Sons
A few of years ago my son asked me why I would butter his dad’s bread and yet he had to do his own.
My answer to that was that I was dad’s wife!!
My sons decision to have a wife was made in that instant! He too wanted a wife who would butter his bread. My son was about 8 at the time!!
This became a family joke, but it also had a serious side……………..
Each time there was bread to be buttered we thought and talked about his wife and often held her up in prayer.
One day he asked me “what if my wife won’t butter my bread?” This lead to a conversation about reasons why his wife many not want to or be able to butter his bread.
Like having a different ethnic background, a Pakistani wife for instance might want to give him chapattis instead which need no buttering - so we prayed that if his wife to be came from a family who followed a different religion both her and her family would be saved.
Or having a physical impairment which lead us to pray for the health, well being and protection from accidents of his future wife. It also lead on to a conversation about taking up the strain of doing things which your spouse was unable to do and the attitude you should have to doing it - with a servants heart and not with a “martyr’s” moan.
One day my oldest daughter had come for dinner and the “bread thing” came up. She was quite disgusted that I was bringing up such a “chauvinist”.
We then explained to her that although a wife may choose to do many things in order to be a helpmeet to her husband his role was much harder….
As marriage is a picture of Christ and the Church a husband has to be prepared to lay down his life for his wife.
Not many husbands lay down there lives all in one go, but being a good husband is a matter of laying down your life one moment at a time………..
My son has learned that he can start loving his wife before he ever meets her and as a sign of that love at Easter last year at the age of 11 he put on a silver ring and took a vow of purity. One day when he replaces it with a wedding ring he can give the silver ring to his wife as a reminder of the love he has had for her ever since he first decided he wanted a wife and started to pray for her.
There are many things I want him to know about how to treat his wife, but I know that if he holds her up in prayer then the Lord can teach him far more than I ever could.
I have prayed for her along with him but I have also prayed for myself……That when the one who is to be his helpmeet comes along I will be given the grace to let him go - so that he may leave us and cleave to her as the Lord intends!
We do not know who she will be but we have the confidence that God has made her as the perfect partner for my son.
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 06:24 0 comments
Labels: Child Training, Mommy Homework
Mommy Homework: Love Dares for Our Daughters
One thing I would want to share with my daughter is the pain it causes me to have an unsaved husband.
Not because he doesn’t attend church with me, study the bible or pray with me. But because of the absolute terror and horror of knowing that someone I love so much may have to face eternity in hell and that I would have to spend eternity with out him! It is like constantly watching your loved one stepping into the path of an oncoming express train and not quite being able to reach them to pull them back.
I became a Christian after I married and that is why I am unequally yoked. Of course I never give up hope that my darling will one day (and God willing soon) come to know Jesus and thereby come into relationship with his heavenly Father.
I would also want her to know that she can rely on Jesus to be her fulfilment so that she does not have to expect to get fulfilment from her husband - who after all is only human and liable to make mistakes - just like the rest of us.
A very big thing and something which takes a lot of getting used to is making him her number one (earthly) priority - not the kids, not the house and definitely not the friends - not even me (boo hoo lol)
She must also remember that her husband is not a mind reader - so she needs to learn to communicate with him.
She also needs to know that she is not a mind reader either and not assume that she knows what he wants or needs.
She needs to be prepared to compromise and constantly learn how her hubby ticks. He needs to be her new study assignment - study his needs, his likes and dislikes and his moods. When he is quiet or surly is it best to leave him alone or try to cheer him up - these are things that can only be learned through experience and only then if we pay attention to them.
Most of all just love him and love him and love him!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 06:22 0 comments
Labels: Child Training, Marriage, Mommy Homework
Mommy Homework: Procrastination Attack!
One of my newest ways of avoiding procrastinating over tasks is to pick the “right” time to do something:-
The right time to read the bible with my boys is right after breakfast - so it can renew their minds all day (if its before breakfast it is harder to hold their attention). Also if something comes up and something has to be left out it wont be God’s word!
The right time to clean my family room is on a Monday afternoon - why because my husband is in bed after completing his 4 night week. Then when he gets up the place he will spend most of his free time on his days off is in good shape.
The right time to plan my menus and shopping list is on Monday evening - why because I can do it while I relax with hubby and the boys as they watch a movie or something in the family room.
The right time to do the shopping is Tuesday - why because my hubby is off work (and not asleep) and most of the local markets are on that day! Also I go to a prayer meeting on Tuesday evening and because I have been shopping I am already dressed for the great outdoors (You have to have done homeschool in your pj’s to get that one lol).
The right time to do the laundry and lesson preparation is on Wednesday - why because that is everyone else’s day off!! (my boys have Wednesday and Sunday off from school work).
The right time to do the bedrooms is on Thursday - why because if I am going to be husbandless in the bedroom for 4 nights then it should as least be as pleasant as possible in there!!
The right time to clean the bathroom (minus tub) is when the little one is playing in the bath.
There are so many thing which are easier if you just find the right time to do them.
Have visitors come and see you often………….if possible have regular days when people come and see you - it is very inspiring when it comes to fighting the dust bunnies.
Have pretty things………… I don’t mean expensive things just things you like ……….you will want to do your housekeeping so that you can see them properly!!
Treat your self to some me time when you have completed a dreaded task - for me that is bible study, sewing and reading (the me time that is not the dreaded task hee hee).
And last but not least next time you tackle a “dreaded task” write down how you felt afterwards………..then next time whip it out and read it ………….because you WILL want to feel like that again!
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 06:19 0 comments
Labels: Mommy Homework, organization
Mommy Homework: What ONE Message Changed Your Life???
A book I didn’t buy on purpose changed my life……
A few months after becoming a Christian (at the age of 38) I went to the local Christian bookshop with one book on my shopping list. When I got there they had a “buy one get one half price offer” on selected books and sure enough the book I wanted was included in the offer.Not being one to EVER look a gift horse in the mouth I selected another book in the offer in order to get a “good deal”. Being a new Christian I had not heard of any of the other books and so made my choice because I spotted a book which was a beautiful pink colour and had fancy writing. (Yes I really am that shallow lol).
Well when Elizabeth George wrote A Woman After God’s Own Heart the Lord must have spoken to her and said “Liz make it pink and through in some fancy writing because there is a woman out there who really needs this book”. Good job she was listening because He was so right.
I started to read and could not put it down. She made me laugh, she made me cry. I thought she had been looking in my windows!!!
She told the story of a man who came in from work and the only one who gave him any attention was the dog. This spoke to me (or should I say it screamed in my ear). You see every day when my hubby came in from work he used to made me a cup of coffee and what did I do to greet him zilch!
So I decided to change - when he arrived I had a cup of coffee ready for him! (and a bowl of cereal - as for some reason he likes to have one when he comes in). How did he respond - you would think I would have gotten a “oh darling how kind and sweet of you!” Nope his actual reaction was “What’s wrong?”
I was mortified - he thought there had to be something wrong for me to be nice to him. My wonderful husband made me feel like a worm!! This is where my journey to be a woman, a wife and a mother after God’s own heart began and has been ongoing ever since.
Thank you Lord for asking for plenty of pink and fancy writing!
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 06:17 0 comments
Labels: Marriage, Mommy Homework
Mommy Homework: Healthy (and Yummy!) Seasonings
I use lots of different herbs and spices to season food, but plain old fresh ground black pepper (or a mixture of coloured peppercorns) is a winner every time.
Also one of our favourite comfort food dishes is sausage stew - made with square sliced scotch sausage and the gravy is made extra tasty by adding about a third of a bottle of plain old cheap brown sauce - and a big old dollop of worchester sauce! Not very exotic I know but a real taste of childhood.
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 06:14 0 comments
Labels: Feeding the Family, Mommy Homework
Mommy Homework: What Have You Been Saying You Want to Do for Far Too Long???
I have been putting off living MY life for far too long…………..
I took a look at all the Christian books I have read (and those sitting waiting to be read) and realised that I was so wrapped up in looking at the relationships others were having with Christ that I was forgetting to have mine.
Mine is like no other - He created me to have that relationship with him and no-one else can do it! If I don’t have that relationship with Him he will miss out on it and so will I.
When I first became a Christian everything was so simple - First I believed and it gave me joy - then I started to talk to God and he started to talk to me - simple.
Then I started to listen to other people. Some of what I listened to was good, very good. Most of what I listened to was not good at all.
Apparently I was naĂ¯ve because God does not speak to people these days (must have been hearing things) and His word could not be taken literally (funny I thought He was the TRUTH, the Way and the Life). I was also childish because I did not always sing and worship like everyone else.
I was left feeling like I constantly running to keep up. After all I did not get saved until 2 days before my 38th birthday and I had not been brought up in “the church”.
I lost much of my joy and was left striving and feeling like a second class Christian. I wanted to be holy like those around me - big mistake!!!!!!!!!!!
I needed to take my focus off other believers and get it back on Jesus! I still want to be Holy but Holy like my Father is Holy! So today this very minute I am going back to the simple life. No more striving just resting in Jesus.
I wont even have to strive to be holy any more because as I talk to Him and listen for His voice, spending in His presence His holiness will rub off on me.
Grab your chance with both hands - Live YOUR own life - it’s the one He created for you and the one he created you to live.
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 06:11 0 comments
Labels: Relationships
Mommy Homework: Fun (and PURE!) Ideas for Young Adults to Get to Know Each Other
Young people who want to get to know one another better can do any of the things that friends usually do because they need to remember that they have to build their friendship if they want their relationship to last.
How about joining the same fellowship group at church, a prayer meeting or a bible study group.
Or take up a hobby or a sport together (not wrestling though lol), join a book club, or even take a class together.
Do some volunteer work together then not only will they get to know each other better they will develop a servant heart (very important in any relationship) and if the relationship does not work out for them then it will still have been time well spent for both of them.
Go walking with a rambling group or jogging together.
What about a visit to a good book shop - especially one with a coffee shop attached.
Go to a children’s playground play and talk about the dreams you had as children, all the things you wanted to do and see and the places you wanted to go. it’s a great way to find common ground and differences.
Most of all relax and remember that anything worth building is worth laying good foundations for.
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 06:08 0 comments
Labels: Relationships
MOMMY HOMEWORK: Strategies for Tight-Knit Families!
Warning! Warning! Don’t do what I did!!
When I first became a Christian I was very misguided and spent every evening involved in church activities, while leaving my poor children and unsaved Hubby at home.
Thankfully this did not last for ever, but it does serve as a great example of how not to have a close knit family!
The reason I changed what I was doing was not because my family complained, but because I found out what God’s picture of a woman, a wife and a mother really looks like.
Fathers may be the head of the household and, therefore, the leaders of the family, but as mothers we should be the one who guide the family along behind him. If we are not close behind him how can we expect them to be.
So this is where we need to start. Invest time and effort into your relationship with your husband. This is the second biggest gift you can give to your children (the first is of course to invest in your relationship with the Lord). This is how the wise woman builds up her home (instead of tearing it down with her own hands).
Take advice from older (more mature in the Lord) women about how to love your husband and children and take care of your home (this is not my idea - it’s God’s).
Pray, pray and pray some more…..
Study your family and become an expert on there needs and the things they enjoy. Then act on your knowledge.
Never compare your family to anyone else’s. This is the family the Lord blessed you with thank Him for them regularly and enjoy them because this is your perfect appointed place.
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 05:08 0 comments
Labels: Family, Marriage, Mommy Homework
Saturday, 9 May 2009
Once upon a time…..
There was a mighty King the mightiest of them all. Sadly, through no fault of His own, the King was separated from His many children.
There was just no way for the lost children to find their way back to the King. There was only one thing to be done - The King sent His champion, the Crown Prince (heir to the throne) to rescue His brothers and Sisters and bring them home!
Sadly, many rejected the champion’s help to return to their Father and remained forever lost and some who returned to their Father had been so long without Him that they struggled to remember who they really were.
They had been touched by a world where they did not belong and although they were restored to their rightful place it took time and a teachable spirit for them to learn who they were meant to be.
Not everything which starts "Once upon a time" is a fairy tale............. this is the truth, in fact this is the Truth, the Way and the Life - this is Jesus!
One day my Prince will come, I'm ready - are you?
Posted by bloodcoveredprincess at 07:23 0 comments
Labels: Once upon a time