My biggest energy drainer is (you guessed it) not spending time alone with the Lord.
My own attitude probably comes next when I have a negative attitude that really slows me down.
Disorganisation and lack of planning are a big one too.
When I put off doing things they are on my mind and clog up my brain this also makes me tired.
I am blessed to know the things that recharge my batteries, like snuggling up with my honey, reading with my boys, sewing, having tea, Christian fellowship and the greatest thing to give me a boost is worshiping the Lord (because that is the thing I was created to do).
Of course not all the energy stealers are easy to spot - there are many things which appear to be good in themselves, but if they are not in God’s plan for you they will sap your strength!
The Lord will always equip you for the things He has called you to do….so maybe if you are running on low you are taking on things that He has not chosen for you at this time!
When you feel like that climb on to his lap and tell Him about it - you might just be very surprised to hear which things He never wanted you to do in the first place.
DIY Printable Jesse Tree Blocks
3 months ago
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