There was a mighty King the mightiest of them all. Sadly, through no fault of His own, the King was separated from His many children.
There was just no way for the lost children to find their way back to the King. There was only one thing to be done - The King sent His champion, the Crown Prince (heir to the throne) to rescue His brothers and Sisters and bring them home!
Sadly, many rejected the champion’s help to return to their Father and remained forever lost and some who returned to their Father had been so long without Him that they struggled to remember who they really were.
They had been touched by a world where they did not belong and although they were restored to their rightful place it took time and a teachable spirit for them to learn who they were meant to be.
Not everything which starts "Once upon a time" is a fairy tale............. this is the truth, in fact this is the Truth, the Way and the Life - this is Jesus!
One day my Prince will come, I'm ready - are you?
DIY Printable Jesse Tree Blocks
3 months ago
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