Lord, help me to Fully Rely On You as I teach my boys day by day. May all that we learn and do be for your glory....
I wrote this to my son.......
This is what we do……
From the moment you took your first breath I have been teaching you.
Don’t forget that real learning happens all time. It is not something which can be put in box and labelled school.
Real one on one teaching is done through discipleship…. Jesus taught not only by what He told his disciples, but by the example He set for them in what He did.
You learn from me every time you are in my presence and I hate to admit it, but not everything you take from me is something I am proud to give. But God chose me from before time began to be your example and I trust in Him.
This is why we do it………
There are two main reasons why we do this homeschool thing. Both are because of relationships.
The first is because of our relationship with God. His word is full of instructions for parents about teaching their children. There are no instructions for starting a school and sending your children away from the family for the biggest part of their day. How can I tell you about God when I sit, when I lie down and as I walk by the way if you are not with me????
Do you simply want to have your head stuffed full of facts or do you want true wisdom??? The start of wisdom is coming to know God.
The second is because of our relationship with each other. I love you! You are precious in my sight!! I teach you because of that love and I am the best teacher for you because of it. No one has to pay me to teach you, seeing you learn and develop is my reward.
Once these years are gone we can not get them back. We can waste them or we can cherish them, that is our choice. All too soon you will be passing into adulthood and taking on responsibilities which will eat up your time. So while we can share and learn and play together that is what I want to do.
The school system is set up to produce strangers. It turns out young people who don’t know God and hardly know their own families!!
DIY Printable Jesse Tree Blocks
3 months ago
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