Lord give me the peace I need this day and the joy of walking in your wonderful light.....
I found this beautiful Letter by Laine - Truly an inspiration.
If you would like to read more of her lovely letters just click on the title of this entry and it will take you to this letter the link to the archive is at the bottom.
What an amazing message this is and how intimately Laine draws us into her world. There is so much to think about in it, I don’t know about you, but part of me just wants to “be” Laine. That of course is not the point tut tut naughty me.
Laine’s and God’s intention is that we learn from her and women like her and I am so glad that she took up the gauntlet and gave us a window on her life in true Titus Two fashion.
When you find something like this what do you do with it? Do you just get teary eyed and then forget all about it as the demands of daily life take over once again?
What is the point of a Titus Two Sister putting in the effort to share if we do not find a way to apply the relevant advice to our own lives.
I am going to reply to this letter (the beginning of my reply is marked by more stars) and in doing so I will glean wisdom from this lovely sister and (hopefully) make it my own…..
Dear Sisters,
Hi! I hope you are all doing well. I've been up early in The Word. What a way to start a day. I love, love, love The Word of God! I don't think I could express to you how much I love the Word of God. It is my constant prayer that I will never be without it. Nor praise music to my King. No wonder King David, the man after God's own heart, had such a heart for worship to our LORD. The Word and Worship are my soul's cry.
"Cease listening to instruction, my son, and you will stray from the Words of Knowledge." Proverbs 19:27
Every night when I go to bed, I long to get there. To really listen to the Words of Knowledge. My heart's desire is to get alone with my King. For me, this is the very early morning. It's just about the only time of the day that I am alone. But I'm not alone! He is with me. Each day is built on that sweet time alone with Him. It's been that way for over nine years now. And His Word just keeps getting sweeter and more precious to me. My Bible is so marked up by the time I am through reading it from cover to cover that I have to get a new one. You see, I just can't stop underlining, taking notes, and cross referencing. Jesus is the Teacher, and I am His faithful student. Just as He used to teach early mornings in the temple, so He teaches me early mornings in the temple. It's a rich, rich foundation for each day.
I would have never believed He could get me there every early morning these past nine years, but He's The Miracle Worker in my life. Through personal sickness, through nursing late into the night, through family struggles, through personal pain, through sick children, through women's retreats, through traveling, and through much more than I can think of right now, He's got me there. You see, He is my strength. He is my life. He is my everything. And I don't want to live a day without listening to Him and talking to Him first. That's why the last nine years of my life have been, without a doubt, the richest of my Christian life.
"As newborn babes desire the sincere milk of The Word, that you may grow thereby." 1 Peter 2:2
None of this matters unless Jesus is filling it all. And that is what I beg Him each morning. To fill it all. Oh, how I want to glorify Him. He is The Master of my Moments, and I am so in love with Him.
"Whom having not seen, you love; in Whom, though now you see Him not, yet believing, you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory." 1 Peter 1:8
"I will run the course of Your commandments, for You shall enlarge my heart." Psalm 119:32
I've been a Christian for a long time. About thirty years, to be exact. But I was a complacent Christian. For years and years, I was a complacent Christian. Oh, He should have spewed me out of His Mouth, as Revelation reveals. But, thankfully, He brought me painfully to the end of myself and the incredible beginning of Him. I am truly His "Sinderella". He is my Prince of Peace. It's been a seeking and clinging to Him ever since. And I've never known love like this before.
His Love.
His Love working through me.
His Incredible Love!
The LORD can do above and beyond what we ask or even think. So I ask and I seek with all my heart. "For without faith it is impossible to please Him", and "those who come to God must believe that He is, and that He is a Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him," as taught in Romans.
~Have your ever asked Him to reveal Himself to you as He is, and not as you think Him to be?
~ Have you ever asked Him to help you love Him with everything you've got, and then even more beyond that?
~ Have you ever asked Him to help you kiss His Feet with your life that you might be the sweetest incense rising up to His Throne of Grace?
~Have you ever asked Him to let you lean against His Breast and breathe Him in?
~ Have you ever asked Him to fill you to the height and breadth and width with His love?
~ Have you ever asked Him to let you know His Word better than you know your own thoughts?
~ Have you ever asked Him to let the mind that was in Christ Jesus be in your mind?
~ Have you ever asked Him to be in you the wife that He created you to be?
~ Have you ever asked Him to be in you the mother that He created you to be?
~Have you ever asked Him to be in you the servant that He was?
~ Have you ever asked Him to help you not miss out on one precious part of His will for your life that He personally planned for you before the world began?
~ Have you ever asked Him that He might reveal to you what you're doing wrong and help you to do what is right?
~Have you ever asked Him to tame your tongue and train your hands?
~ Have you ever asked Him to be the Master of all your Moments?
You see, we were created for an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, our LORD and Bridegroom. We are His precious Bride.
"...those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God." Romans 8:14
"...those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires."
"...the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace." Romans 8
We get to know one another through listening and talking. We get to know our Savior through listening to Him speak and in conversing with Him. The Word and Prayer. Our daily conversation with God. Our falling in love with our King as He pours out His intimate love to us. Song of Solomon every day. The Holy Spirit's work in our lives. It results in praise and worship as we work for His Name.
I can't miss one day!
Oh, may I be a doer of The Word, and not a hearer only, deceiving my ownself. For surely this verse is so true:
"He who received seed on the good ground is he who hears The Word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty."
~Have you ever asked Him to help you hear His Word every day and understand it?"
~ Have you ever asked Him to bear fruit and produce a hundredfold or more through you?"
~Have you ever asked Him to hear His still, small Voice speaking to your heart?
~ Have you ever asked Him to open your eyes that you might behold wondrous things from His Law?
~Have you ever asked Him to help you wake up to soak up His Living Word?
~ Have you ever asked Him to let you be His slave for righteousness sake that He might be glorified beyond measure in your life?
~Have you ever asked Him to let you peacefully serve in His Spirit at His Pace for His Praise, no matter how unpraiseworthy the job might be to those around you?
~Have you ever asked Him to help you walk in The Truth, and only The Truth, so helped are you by God?
~ Have you ever asked Him for no fear, only faith; no guilt, only grace; no pride, only praise; no claim, only Christ?
Oh, you've just got to ask Him! We have not, because we ask not. And then we ask with the wrong motives. "Ask that your joy may be full." With the right motives... for His total glory.
~ Have you ever asked Him that you might be His sweetest joy?
~Have you ever asked Him that He might be your sweetest joy?
~Have you ever asked Him that you might never forget His cross and to stay flat before it; standing on the outside, but flat before Him on the inside?
~Have you ever asked Him to help you thank Him for the cross every eternal day of your life?
Have you ever asked Him?
Oh, have you ever asked Him?
"I will utter things kept secret from the foundation of the world." Psalm 78:2b
"...let us keep in step with The Spirit. " Galations 5:26
Listening, Learning, Loving, Asking, Thanking, Praising, Kissing, Bowing, Doing:
The Precious, Precious Living Word of God.
It's there for the asking.
Laine Dear Laine,
Your letter is so inspiring and filled with biblical wisdom.
I too love the Word and pray to love it more. Unlike you I do not get a new bible every time I get to the end of one, but I do have several which I use in different ways, one I highlight in different colours to show what subject it covers, some are prayer bibles which I use to pray different scriptures for people and situations, some are devotional bibles which help me to see certain verses in a new light and some are study bibles to help me understand the culture, language and people I am reading about. I love them all, they are my most cherished possessions because they are the living breathing word of God.
I love to open my bible and listen for the sound of my Saviours voice as His love for me spills form the pages like living water. I am always in awe because a verse or passage which I have read many times before will suddenly be illuminated in a completely different way.
What a wonderful picture of you, every morning for the past nine years having your quiet early morning meeting with our Heavenly Father - regardless of circumstances. It inspires me to be more disciplined in my own devotional life and I look forward to drawing ever closer to my Lord the Lover of my Soul.
I love the list of things you want to know if I have asked. Well some I have, but many I have not so I am going to put them into my prayer diary under my own spiritual growth and pray for them often. I cannot thank you enough for pointing them out to me.
Love and Blessings
Your Sister in Christ
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3 months ago
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